postdoctoral position | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

PhD and Postdoctoral Positions in NorMER, Norway: Global climate change on fisheries resources in the Nordic region, with a primary focus on the Atlantic cod.

A major challenge to managers and scientists today is to identify ways that oceans can provide food and other services in a sustainable way under changing climatic and socioeconomic conditions. As a changing climate and high harvesting put increased pressure on marine resources, scientists of the future need the cross-disciplinary skills to combine physical, biological, and social/economic science to give appropriate management advice. NorMER is a new Nordic Centre of Excellence, with funding from Nordforsk, on behalf of Top-level Research Initiative (TRI), and the participating institutions for 2011-2015, that will address this challenge through a unique program of primary research. 45 researches from 10 Nordic institutions will collaborate in training 15 new PhD students and 5 Postdocs through joint projects that explore the biological, economic, and societal consequences of global climate change on fisheries resources in the Nordic region, with a primary focus on the Atlantic cod.

The NorMER partnership includes teams led by Nils Chr. Stenseth at the University of Oslo, Carl Folke of the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden, Erik Bonsdorff at Åbo Adakemi University in Finland, Marko Lindroos at the University of Helsinki in Finland, Markus Meier at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute in Sweden, Guðrún Marteinsdóttir at Marine Academic Research in Iceland, Eyðfinn Magnussen at the University of Faroe Islands, Helle Siegstad at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Øyvind Fiksen at the University of Bergen in Norway, and Thomas Kiørboe at the Technical University of Denmark. Each PhD project will be supervised and based at a single institution, but will require a mandatory visit to a partner institution of up to 4 months for co-supervision (see the detailed descriptions for each project for details). The Postdoc positions are additionally required to collaborate with multiple partner institutio.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
30th March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Postdoctoral Position in Robotics at KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13.344 full-time equivalent students of whom 6.955 at Bachelor (first) level and 5.545 at Master (second) level. In addition 1.314 full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3.900 employees.

CSC is one of Sweden’s most advanced and successful research and education institutions in Information Technology with activities at both KTH and Stockholm University. The activities of the school focus on higher education and research within the traditional core areas of numerical analysis and computer science; from theory building and analysis of mathematical models to algorithm construction, implementation and simulation. Other core areas of growing importance are technology and methods for the support of human communication and computer mediated cooperation over distances in time and space.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April, 1st 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Postdoctoral Position in Materials Physics, KTH School of Information and Communication Technology, Sweden

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13 344 full-time equivalent students, of whom 6 955 are at Bachelor (first) level, while 5 545 are at Master (second) level. In addition, 1 314 are full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3 900 employees.

For the position, the successful candidate should have a PhD in Physics or Materials Science with a strong background in physics, materials science, nanotechnology or chemistry. English proficiency and good experimental skills are a must. In addition to the academic merits, international experience is regarded as advantageous qualifications.Time limited, 1 year with a possible extension to two yearsStarting date: According to agreement.The salary follows the directions provided by KTH.

Scholarship Application Deadline:2011-04-01

Further Scholarship Information and Application