postdoctoral position | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

3 Postdoctoral Positions in Normal and Malignant Stem Cell Research, Denmark

We are interested in the underlying mechanisms governing the properties of normal and malignant stem cells. Our main focus is, very broadly, how the control of gene expression contributes to the biology of normal hematopoietic stem cells and how this control is altered in acute myeloid leukemia.

Research in the group involves the use of a number of experimental systems including human patient samples as well as genetically modified mouse models. We have strong expertise in multicolor flow cytometry and use a number of genomic techniques – such as ChIP-seq to assess transcription factor binding and epigenetic configurations as well as micro array and sequencing-based (RNA-seq) gene expression profiling. Importantly, the interpretation of these data is supported by a number of “in-group” bioinformaticians as well as extensive collaborations with the neighboring Bio informatics Centre. Thus, the successful candidates will join a dynamic research environment with access to all modern facilities.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
June 1, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Postdoctoral Position in Photonic Integration, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

The division of Semiconductor Materials conducts research on Photonic Integration, semiconductor nano-structures, and nano-structured materials including photonic crystals, covering basic physics, technology and applications. Major current research programs/centers in which the division is a partner include the “Linné center in advanced optics and photonics (ADOPT)”, EU-Network of excellence “Nanophotonics for energy efficiency – N4E” and the Nordic project “Semiconductor Nanowire solar cells – NANORDSUN”. The division also conducts research projects in collaborations with industries in the field of photonics.

The candidate should have a PhD in physics or engineering. The candidate should have a strong background and experience in one or more of the following areas: semiconductor materials, nanophotonics, integrated optics, and optoelectronics. Hands-on experience in semiconductor device processing, epitaxy, and optoelectronic/photonic device design and characterization is desirable. A successful candidate should possess excellent communication skills (written and oral) in English, and should be motivated to work in a team and should be willing to be involved in multiple projects at the same time. These qualifications must be highlighted in the application. The evaluation will be based on how well the applicant fulfills the above qualifications.

Scholarship Application Deadline:

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

The largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering.Applicants should have a PhD degree or soon receive one in a relevant scientific field. We are in particularly looking for candidates with a strong background in direct or large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows with experience/interest in large scale numerical simulations and data processing. Experience in MPI programming and running on parallel computers is advantageous.

Candidates are invited to send in applications containing a cover letter where they describe themselves, their qualifications and interests. The application should also contain a curriculum vita, publication list and names and addresses of references. Mark you application with “Diarienummer S-2011-0210”.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
April 10, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application