The division of Semiconductor Materials conducts research on Photonic Integration, semiconductor nano-structures, and nano-structured materials including photonic crystals, covering basic physics, technology and applications. Major current research programs/centers in which the division is a partner include the “Linné center in advanced optics and photonics (ADOPT)”, EU-Network of excellence “Nanophotonics for energy efficiency – N4E” and the Nordic project “Semiconductor Nanowire solar cells – NANORDSUN”. The division also conducts research projects in collaborations with industries in the field of photonics.
The candidate should have a PhD in physics or engineering. The candidate should have a strong background and experience in one or more of the following areas: semiconductor materials, nanophotonics, integrated optics, and optoelectronics. Hands-on experience in semiconductor device processing, epitaxy, and optoelectronic/photonic device design and characterization is desirable. A successful candidate should possess excellent communication skills (written and oral) in English, and should be motivated to work in a team and should be willing to be involved in multiple projects at the same time. These qualifications must be highlighted in the application. The evaluation will be based on how well the applicant fulfills the above qualifications.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 2011-05-09
Further Scholarship Information and Application