power generation | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme – 2011: sustainable and renewable energy

The aim of this fellowships programme is to enhance the capacity-building and human resources development in the area of sustainable and renewable energy sources in developing countries and countries in transition. The training activities in the framework of these fellowships are tenable in specialized institutions in the Russian Federation. The medium of instruction will be Russian. UNESCO will solicit applications from the developing countries and countries in transit

Fields of Study

The candidates may choose to study in the following fields of study, which are aligned with UNESCO’s objectives and programme priorities, as per approved 35 C/5 and in accordance with the decisions made by the Executive Board (161 EX/Decision 3.6.3 and 165 EX/Decision 8.6) :

(a) Energy and sustainable development;
(b) Ecological management of energy resources;
(c) Renewable energy;
(d) Sustainable and renewable energy power generation.

One month duration: from October to November 2011.

Qualifications Required
Candidates must meet the following criteria:

(a) Holder of at least a BSc degree or BA in Economics;
(b) Proficient in the Russian language;
(c) Not more than 45 years of age;
(d) Be in good health, both mentally and physically. ion.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Studentship in Solid State Chemistry, Heriot Watt University, UK

A PhD studentship, supported by the Energy Technology Partnership, is available for a project in solid-state materials chemistry. The work, to be carried out in conjunction with an industrial partner, will involve the synthesis and characterisation of new thermoelectric materials, with the aim of producing power generation devices suitable for energy recovery from low-grade waste heat. Candidates should have or expect to gain a first or upper second-class degree in Chemistry, Materials Science or a related discipline.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact Employer

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Studentship in Solid State Chemistry, Heriot Watt University, UK

A PhD studentship, supported by the Energy Technology Partnership, is available for a project in solid-state materials chemistry. The work, to be carried out in conjunction with an industrial partner, will involve the synthesis and characterisation of new thermoelectric materials, with the aim of producing power generation devices suitable for energy recovery from low-grade waste heat. Candidates should have or expect to gain a first or upper second-class degree in Chemistry, Materials Science or a related discipline.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact Employer

Further Scholarship Information and Application