international cooperation | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Call for Research Funding, Centres of Excellence Scheme by Research Council of Norway, Norway

A funding announcement for the SFF scheme is planned to be issued every five years.The Centres of Excellence (SFF) scheme is a national scheme under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. The Research Council of Norway provides the basic funding for the scheme with allocations from the annual yield of the Fund for Research and Innovation.

A high level of scientific merit in relation to international standards is the main criterion used to assess and prioritise the grant proposals. This criterion applies to the planned research activity as well as to the centre’s key scientific staff. Important secondary objectives of the scheme are to strengthen researcher recruitment and expand international cooperation.This programme/activity normally accepts grant applications from:SFF host institutions may be universities (including university hospitals), university colleges and independent research institutes that have the resources needed to fulfil the requirements set out for the SFF scheme.

Scholarship Application Deadline:08.06.2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Erasmus Mundus International Masters Scholarship in Sustainable Territorial Development

STeDe Master aims to create experts in the area of sustainable territorial development. More concretely it trains professionals to be able to help organizations acting in the territory (enterprises, local communities, civil society organizations) to draft sustainable development policies for economic, social, environmental, international and intercultural management.

The Master concerns the economic competitiveness, social inclusion, environmental protection, international cooperation and intercultural relation challenges of territorial development focussing not only on local communities, but also on enterprises, non-state actors and civil society organizations. It also aims to offer an example of sustainable territory involving all local organizations, which should have human resources available and able to promote sustainable development.

The Master refers to the ability of:

– giving recommendations in the area of sustainable territorial development in the context of climate change and biodiversity loss;

– taking part in the idea, analysis and management of a sustainable development policy on the territory;

– assessing the different validation tools for sustainable development actions and policies within public and private territorial organizations.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1st February 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Fellowship Programme of the International Youth Library, Germany

The International Youth Library’s fellowship programme has two primary goals: to support research in the field of international children’s and youth literature and illustration, and to promote academic exchange and international cooperation.

Through the fellowship programme, which has been funded by the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany for 50 years, the International Youth Library would like to encourage comparative research about literature for children and youth in an increasingly networked world. At the same time we would like to encourage the academic use of our international collection of books for children and youth, which spans 400 years.
Fellowship Application Deadline: September 30 2011
Further Fellowship Information and Application