norway | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Call for Research Funding, Centres of Excellence Scheme by Research Council of Norway, Norway

A funding announcement for the SFF scheme is planned to be issued every five years.The Centres of Excellence (SFF) scheme is a national scheme under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. The Research Council of Norway provides the basic funding for the scheme with allocations from the annual yield of the Fund for Research and Innovation.

A high level of scientific merit in relation to international standards is the main criterion used to assess and prioritise the grant proposals. This criterion applies to the planned research activity as well as to the centre’s key scientific staff. Important secondary objectives of the scheme are to strengthen researcher recruitment and expand international cooperation.This programme/activity normally accepts grant applications from:SFF host institutions may be universities (including university hospitals), university colleges and independent research institutes that have the resources needed to fulfil the requirements set out for the SFF scheme.

Scholarship Application Deadline:08.06.2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Call for Research Funding, Centres of Excellence Scheme by Research Council of Norway, Norway

A funding announcement for the SFF scheme is planned to be issued every five years.The Centres of Excellence (SFF) scheme is a national scheme under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. The Research Council of Norway provides the basic funding for the scheme with allocations from the annual yield of the Fund for Research and Innovation.

A high level of scientific merit in relation to international standards is the main criterion used to assess and prioritise the grant proposals. This criterion applies to the planned research activity as well as to the centre’s key scientific staff. Important secondary objectives of the scheme are to strengthen researcher recruitment and expand international cooperation.This programme/activity normally accepts grant applications from:SFF host institutions may be universities (including university hospitals), university colleges and independent research institutes that have the resources needed to fulfil the requirements set out for the SFF scheme.

Scholarship Application Deadline:08.06.2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Call for Research Funding, Centres of Excellence Scheme by Research Council of Norway, Norway

A funding announcement for the SFF scheme is planned to be issued every five years.The Centres of Excellence (SFF) scheme is a national scheme under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. The Research Council of Norway provides the basic funding for the scheme with allocations from the annual yield of the Fund for Research and Innovation.

A high level of scientific merit in relation to international standards is the main criterion used to assess and prioritise the grant proposals. This criterion applies to the planned research activity as well as to the centre’s key scientific staff. Important secondary objectives of the scheme are to strengthen researcher recruitment and expand international cooperation.This programme/activity normally accepts grant applications from:SFF host institutions may be universities (including university hospitals), university colleges and independent research institutes that have the resources needed to fulfil the requirements set out for the SFF scheme.

Scholarship Application Deadline:08.06.2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application