methodology | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

International PhD Scholarship in Emerging Sports in Serbia: A Case Study of Rugby League and Cricket, UK: Total Gesture Recognition

Applications are invited for a full-time scholarship available in the School of Sport, Tourism & The Outdoors. The scholarship is tenable for up to 3 years for a PhD (via MPhil route) [subject to satisfactory progress] and is open to international applicants only. UK/EU applicants are not eligible to apply. The scholarship will cover the cost of tuition fees for an International resident for 3 years.
The project will involve a case-study of two emerging sports in Serbia, rugby league and cricket. A particular aim of the study is to examine how these sports engage with and foster key dimensions of contemporary policy agendas, including social cohesion, integration and reconciliation. The study will involve a detailed examination of the organisational working of these sports, their histories in Serbia, their local demographics and their relationship with the international HQ organisations.
Sport is seen within Serbia as an important aspect of that country’s preparation for acceptance into the European Union. Accordingly, the study will look at how these sports are playing their small part in this process, especially in terms of explicit compliance with the EU agenda on sport. The working relationship with the Serbian Ministry of Sport and Youth will also be studied. In disciplinary terms the project will operate at the intersection of the sociology of sport, organisations, and community. The methodology is intended to be qualitative, relying on fieldwork interviewing and document analysis. Access to both the Serbian Rugby League Federation and the Serbian Cricket Federation has been established by the project supervisor. Field-work for the project will be centred in Belgrade. The successful student will need to be fluent (spoken and written) in both Serbian and English languages.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 13 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Manchester Business School Comparative & International Business Studentship, 2011 in UK

The rise of China, India and Brazil as economic and political ‘drivers’ of the global economy is subject to both academic research and policy deliberations (Lauder, Brown, and Brown 2008). These economies not only have managed to sustain growth despite the economic downturn but have also turned out to be drivers of economic change that challenge established wisdom of both economic performance and development. This project will look at the following issues:How firms from rising powers may be disrupting the current paradigm of global competition and are thus changing the ‘rules of the game’ (Zeng and Williamson 2007).

Rising power firms are increasingly becoming global players, taking on more substantive roles in global production networks or becoming lead firms in their own right (Schmitz 2004). Which factors facilitate this development, how can firms upgrade their position.Furthermore, rising power firms often address ‘bottom of the pyramid’ markets or engage in entrepreneurial innovation that is unprecedented and alleviates social problems (London, Anupindi, and Sheth 2010). This project seeks to identify drivers and outcomes of this economic development process.
ValueThe three-year, full-time award covers tuition fees and a tax-free annual stipend of approximately £13,000 per year.
EligibilityApplicants should ideally have a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree in a relevant discipline and have obtained or expect to complete by autumn 2011, a Masters degree in a relevant business and management subject.

The research will involve both theoretical development and empirical field-work. The candidate should have good inter-personal skills, be willing to travel to collect data and have excellent writing skills. The candidate will be required to apply methodology flexibly and competently, including both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Applications are invited from UK, EU and international candidates.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

College 2020 Undergraduate Summer Research Stipends, USA

Resisting the Path to Genocide, a College 2020 Research Cluster at the University of Southern California (USC), offers funding for one visiting Ph.D. candidate per semester, beginning in Spring of 2011 through Spring 2013.

The grant will be up to $4000 and shall allow the candidate to conduct research at USC for four weeks.

We are accepting international applications from Ph.D. candidates at any university, from any relevant discipline, who are working on a subject relevant to the cluster’s activities. 

An interdisciplinary committee of faculty members involved with the research cluster will select the candidate, who will be chosen on the basis of:

  • how closely the candidate’s research relates to the topic of genocide resistance, and can contribute to scholarly discussion of genocide resistance within the cluster
  • the extent to which the use of USC’s resources will enable the candidate to further his or her ongoing research, or to conduct a smaller research project during the length of his or her stay at USC

USC is the home of internationally unique research resources, including 52,000 audio visual testimonies of Holocaust survivors at the Shoah Foundation Institute archive, a  Holocaust and genocide studies collection with 11,000 primary and secondary sources, and a Special Collection containing papers of Jewish emigrants including the Lion Feuchtwanger collection.  In addition, the Greater Los Angeles area houses one of the largest genocide survivor communities (Armenia, Holocaust, Cambodia, Guatemala, etc.) in the world.

The fellow will be expected to provide the cluster with fresh perspectives, to play a role in the cluster activities, and to give a paper at one of the internal cluster workshops. The aim is to enhance the discussion of genocide resistance and foster a future network of scholars.

Candidates should submit a CV, a research proposal including a project outline and methodology, and two letters of recommendation to Alida Liberman(

The deadline for Spring 2011 is Monday 28 February.

Please contact Alida Liberman (, graduate research assistant for the cluster, for further information.