veterinary medicine | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

The Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation Scholarship Programme 2011–2012, Uganda: Agriculture, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Commerce, Engineering, Food Science & Technology, Information Technology, Law, Hotel Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Architecture, Veterinary Medicine, Actuarial Science, Environmental Studies and Human Medicine.

The Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation is a Charitable Trust which was set up with the primary objective of promoting scientific
and technical education for the betterment of the people of Uganda.
It is in pursuit of this objective that the Board of Trustees of the Foundation set up a Scholarship Committee and instituted a University scholarship programme starting in the 2003/4 academic year. The scholarship programme is aimed at benefiting Ugandans pursuing either undergraduate or post-graduate education at University level in Uganda.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 May 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowships 2011, UK: Medicine

This fellowship is for medical, dental, veterinary or clinical psychology graduates who have little or no research training, but who wish to develop a long-term career in academic medicine. Applications are encouraged from individuals who wish to undertake substantial training through high-quality research in an appropriate unit or clinical research facility, towards a PhD or MD qualification.
The fellowship is open to individuals with a relevant connection to the European Economic Area (EEA) for fellowships to be held in a UK or Republic of Ireland institution. Non-UK candidates should contact the office for advice before submitting an application.
The applicant should have completed general professional training as defined by the relevant college.
-Medical graduates must have passed the relevant exam for their specialty, e.g. MRCP, MRCS, MRCOphth/FRCOphth Part 1, MRCPsych, MRCOG Part 1, MRCPCH, FRCA Part 1. GPs are advised to contact the office to clarify their eligibility.
-Dental candidates must have obtained MFD, MFDS, MGDS, MFGDP or equivalent.
-Veterinary candidates should have a degree in veterinary medicine (e.g. BVSc, BVM&S, BVMS, BVetMed, VetMB) and some experience in clinical practice. An intercalated degree is desirable, but not essential.
-Clinical psychology candidates must have obtained a professional Doctorate-level qualification in Clinical Psychology accredited by the British Psychological Society before taking up the award. Candidates are advised to contact the office to clarify their eligibility.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 6 June 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Edinburgh Global Online Distance Learning Master’s Scholarships, UK: Humanities, Social Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine

The University of Edinburgh will offer 6 Master’s scholarships for eligible distance learning Master’s programmes offered by the University. Each scholarship will have a total value of £5,000 which will be deducted from the tuition fee for the entire part-time programme of study.
Scholarships will be available for students pursuing one of the following distance learning programmes: The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent. When completing the personal statement of the scholarship application form, please indicate why Distance Learning suits your particular circumstances making reference to both online learning and distance learning.
Eligibility: The scholarships will be awarded to students who are accepted for admission onto the above eligible distance learning Master’s programmes at the University of Edinburgh.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application